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180 - Demokratische Republik Kongo
807 - Ehemalige jugoslawische Republik von Mazedonien
AFG - Afghanistan
AGO - Angola
ALB - Albanien
ARE - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
ARG - Argentinien
ARM - Armenien
ATG - Antigua und Barbuda
AUS - Australien
AUT - Österreich
AZE - Aserbaidschan
BDI - Burundi
BEL - Belgien
BEN - Benin
BFA - Burkina Faso
BGD - Bangladesch
BGR - Bulgarien
BHR - Bahrain
BHS - Bahamas
BIH - Bosnien-Herzegowina
BLR - Weißrußland
BLZ - Belize
BOL - Bolivien
BRA - Brasilien
BRB - Barbados
BRN - Brunei
BTN - Bhutan
BWA - Botswana
CAF - Zentralafrikanische Republik
CAM - Kambodscha
CAN - Kanada
CHE - Schweiz
CHL - Chile
CHN - China
CIV - Côte d'Ivoire
CMR - Kamerun
COG - Kongo
COL - Kolumbien
CPV - Kap Verde
CRI - Costa Rica
CUB - Kuba
CYP - Zypern
CZE - Tschechische Republik
DEU - Deutschland
DJI - Dschibuti
DMA - Dominica
DNK - Dänemark
DOM - Dominikanische Republik
DZA - Algerien
ECU - Ecuador
EEC - Europäische Union
EGY - Ägypten
ESP - Spanien
EST - Estland
ETH - Äthiopien
EU - Europäische Union
FIN - Finnland
FJI - Fidschi
FRA - Frankreich
FYM - Ehemalige Mazedonische Republik von Jugoslawien
GAB - Gabun
GBR - Vereinigtes Königreich
GEO - Georgien
GHA - Ghana
GIN - Guinea-Bissau
GMB - Gambia
GNB - Guinea
GRC - Griechenland
GRD - Grenada
GTM - Guatemala
GUY - Guyana
HKG - Hongkong
HND - Honduras
HRV - Kroatien
HTI - Haiti
HUN - Ungarn
IDN - Indonesien
IND - Indien
IRL - Irland
IRN - Iran
ISL - Island
ISR - Israel
ITA - Italien
JAM - Jamaika
JOR - Jordanien
JPN - Japan
KAZ - Kasachstan
KEN - Kenia
KGZ - Kirgisistan
KHM - Kambodscha
KNA - Saint Kitts und Nevis
KOR - Koreanische Republik
KWT - Kuwait
LAO - Laos
LBN - Libanon
LBR - Liberia
LCA - Saint Lucia
LIE - Liechtenstein
LKA - Sri Lanka
LSO - Lesotho
LTU - Litauen
LUX - Luxemburg
LVA - Lettland
MAC - Macao
MAR - Marokko
MDA - Moldawien
MDG - Madagaskar
MDV - Malediven
MEX - Mexiko
MKD - Ehemalige Mazedonische Republik von Jugoslawien
MLI - Mali
MLT - Malta
MMR - Myanmar
MNE - Montenegro
MNG - Mongolei
MOL - Moldawien
MOZ - Mosambik
MRT - Mauretanien
MUS - Mauritius
MWI - Malawi
MYS - Malaysia
NAM - Namibien
NER - Niger
NGA - Nigeria
NIC - Nicaragua
NLD - Niederlande
NOR - Norwegen
NPL - Nepal
NZL - Neuseeland
OMN - Oman
PAK - Pakistan
PAN - Panama
PER - Peru
PHL - Philippinen
PNG - Papua-Neuguinea
POL - Polen
PRT - Portugal
PRY - Paraguay
QAT - Qatar
ROU - Rumänien
RUS - Russische Föderation
RWA - Ruanda
SAM - Samoa
SAU - Saudi Arabien
SDN - Sudan
SEN - Senegal
SGP - Singapur
SLB - Salomonen
SLE - Sierra Leone
SLV - El Salvador
SUR - Surinam
SVK - Slowakei
SVN - Slowenien
SWE - Schweden
SWZ - Swasiland
SYC - Seychellen
TCD - Tschad
TGO - Togo
THA - Thailand
TJK - Tadschikistan
TON - Tonga
TPKM - Taiwan
TTO - Trinidad und Tobago
TUN - Tunesien
TUR - Türkei
TZA - Tansania
UGA - Uganda
UKR - Ukraine
URY - Uruguay
USA - Vereinigte Staaten
VCT - Saint Vincent und Grenadines
VEN - Venezuela
VNM - Vietnam
VUT - Vanuatu
WSM - Samoa
YEM - Jemen
ZAF - Südafrika
ZMB - Sambia
ZWE - Zimbabwe
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European Union
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25.100.70 - Abrasives
33.160.50 - Accessories
53.020.30 - Accessories for lifting equipment
13.200 - Accident and disaster control
47.020.80 - Accommodation spaces
03.100.60 - Accountancy
29.220.20 - Acid secondary cells and batteries
71.060.30 - Acids
17.140.01 - Acoustic measurements and noise abatement in general
17.140 - Acoustics and acoustic measurements
91.120.20 - Acoustics in building. Sound insulation
83.180 - Adhesives
49.025.50 - Adhesives
81.060.30 - Advanced ceramics
33.120.40 - Aerials
55.130 - Aerosol containers
49.060 - Aerospace electric equipment and systems
49.050 - Aerospace engines and propulsion systems
49.080 - Aerospace fluid systems and components
65.060.01 - Agricultural machines and equipment in general
65.060 - Agricultural machines, implements and equipment
65.060.10 - Agricultural tractors and trailed vehicles
01.040.65 - Agriculture (Vocabularies)
11.180.10 - Aids and adaptation for moving
11.180.30 - Aids and adaptations for reading
11.180.01 - Aids for disabled and handicapped persons in general
11.180 - Aids for disabled or handicapped persons
11.180.40 - Aids for drinking and eating
11.180.20 - Aids for ostomy and incontinence
55.180.30 - Air mode containers, pallets and nets
13.040 - Air quality
13.040.01 - Air quality in general
03.220.50 - Air transport
01.040.49 - Aircraft and space vehicle engineering (Vocabularies)
49.020 - Aircraft and space vehicles in general
83.160.20 - Aircraft tyres
13.320 - Alarm and warning systems
67.160.10 - Alcoholic beverages
71.080.60 - Alcohols. Ethers
71.080.80 - Aldehydes and ketones
71.080.10 - Aliphatic hydrocarbons
29.220.30 - Alkaline secondary cells and batteries
49.025.20 - Aluminium
77.120.10 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys
31.060.50 - Aluminium electrolytic capacitors
73.060.40 - Aluminium ores
77.150.10 - Aluminium products
13.040.20 - Ambient atmospheres
33.160.10 - Amplifiers
11.040.10 - Anaesthetic, respiratory and reanimation equipment
71.040 - Analytical chemistry
71.040.01 - Analytical chemistry in general
71.080.50 - Anhydrides
67.200.10 - Animal and vegetable fats and oils
65.120 - Animal feeding stuffs
65.020.30 - Animal husbandry and breeding
67.120.01 - Animal produce in general
35.100.70 - Application layer
35.240.01 - Application of information technology in general
03.120.30 - Application of statistical methods
35.240 - Applications of information technology
59.100.30 - Aramide materials
71.080.15 - Aromatic hydrocarbons
07.040 - Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography
33.160.30 - Audio systems
33.160 - Audio, video and audiovisual engineering
33.160.01 - Audio, video and audiovisual systems in general
97.120 - Automatic controls for household use
83.040.30 - Auxiliary materials and additives for plastics
21.120.40 - Balancing and balancing machines
23.060.20 - Ball and plug valves
55.140 - Barrels. Drums. Canisters
71.060.40 - Bases
21.100 - Bearings
21.100.01 - Bearings in general
65.140 - Beekeeping
21.220.10 - Belt drives and their components
67.160 - Beverages
67.160.01 - Beverages in general
87.060.20 - Binders
91.100.50 - Binders. Sealing materials
13.080.30 - Biological properties of soils
07.080 - Biology. Botany. Zoology
11.200 - Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives
43.040.60 - Bodies and body components
97.170 - Body care equipment
27.060.30 - Boilers and heat exchangers
21.060.10 - Bolts, screws, studs
49.030.20 - Bolts, screws, studs
25.080.20 - Boring and milling machines
55.100 - Bottles. Pots. Jars
43.040.40 - Braking systems
25.160.50 - Brazing and soldering
93.040 - Bridge construction
25.080.30 - Broaching machines
91.190 - Building accessories
91.040 - Buildings
65.040.20 - Buildings and installations for processing and storage of agricultural produce
91.040.20 - Buildings for commerce and industry
91.040.01 - Buildings in general
27.060.01 - Burners and boilers in general
27.060 - Burners. Boilers
43.080.20 - Buses
29.080.20 - Bushings
67.100.20 - Butter
21.220.20 - Cable or rope drives and their components
33.060.40 - Cabled distribution systems
29.060.20 - Cables
45.100 - Cableway equipment
77.150.70 - Cadmium and cobalt products
77.120.70 - Cadmium, cobalt and their alloys
97.200.30 - Camping equipment and camp-sites
55.120 - Cans. Tins. Tubes
31.060 - Capacitors
31.060.01 - Capacitors in general
43.040.15 - Car informatics. On board computer systems
59.100.20 - Carbon materials
49.120 - Cargo equipment
47.020.85 - Cargo spaces
55.160 - Cases. Boxes. Crates
35.220.23 - Cassettes and cartridges for magnetic tapes
91.060.30 - Ceilings. Floors. Stairs
83.100 - Cellular materials
91.100.10 - Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar
91.140.10 - Central heating systems
29.035.30 - Ceramic and glass insulating materials
31.060.20 - Ceramic and mica capacitors
91.100.25 - Ceramic building products
81.060.20 - Ceramic products
81.060 - Ceramics
81.060.01 - Ceramics in general
67.060 - Cereals, pulses and derived products
21.220.30 - Chain drives and their components
35.040 - Character sets and information coding
01.075 - Character symbols
21.020 - Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment
23.060.50 - Check valves
67.100.30 - Cheese
71.040.40 - Chemical analysis
77.040.30 - Chemical analysis of metals
13.080.10 - Chemical characteristics of soils
71.060.10 - Chemical elements
71.040.10 - Chemical laboratories. Laboratory equipment
71.040.30 - Chemical reagents
01.040.71 - Chemical technology (Vocabularies)
71.100.35 - Chemicals for industrial and domestic disinfection purposes
71.100.80 - Chemicals for purification of water
91.060.40 - Chimneys, shafts, ducts
25.120 - Chipless working equipment
25.120.01 - Chipless working equipment in general
67.190 - Chocolate
73.060.30 - Chromium ores
37.060 - Cinematography
37.060.01 - Cinematography in general
01.040.93 - Civil engineering (Vocabularies)
93.010 - Civil engineering in general
21.060.70 - Clamps and staples
39.040.20 - Clocks
61.020 - Clothes
01.040.61 - Clothing industry (Vocabularies)
73.040 - Coals
59.080.40 - Coated fabrics
49.040 - Coatings and related processes used in aerospace industry
33.120.10 - Coaxial cables. Waveguides
67.140.30 - Cocoa
67.140.20 - Coffee and coffee substitutes
01.070 - Colour coding
17.180.20 - Colours and measurement of light
71.120.20 - Columns
97.130.20 - Commercial refrigerating appliances
43.080 - Commercial vehicles
43.080.01 - Commercial vehicles in general
03.100 - Company organization and management
03.100.01 - Company organization and management in general
55.180.40 - Complete, filled transport packages
33.120 - Components and accessories for telecommunications equipment
33.120.01 - Components and accessories in general
49.035 - Components for aerospace construction
53.040.20 - Components for conveyors
29.100 - Components for electrical equipment
29.100.01 - Components for electrical equipment in general
29.160.10 - Components for rotating machines
23.140 - Compressors and pneumatic machines
35.140 - Computer graphics
35.240.10 - Computer-aided design (CAD)
91.100.30 - Concrete and concrete products
91.080.40 - Concrete structures
29.050 - Conducting materials
29.120.10 - Conduits for electrical purposes
29.120.20 - Connecting devices
01.100.30 - Construction drawings
91.220 - Construction equipment
91.010 - Construction industry
91.010.01 - Construction industry in general
91.100 - Construction materials
01.040.91 - Construction materials and building (Vocabularies)
91.100.01 - Construction materials in general
93.120 - Construction of airports
93.100 - Construction of railways
93.110 - Construction of ropeways
93.140 - Construction of waterways and ports
91.200 - Construction technology
53.040 - Continuous handling equipment
53.040.01 - Continuous handling equipment in general
91.010.20 - Contractual aspects
23.100.50 - Control components
29.240.30 - Control equipment for electric power systems
53.040.10 - Conveyors
97.040.20 - Cooking ranges, working tables, ovens and similar appliances
97.040.60 - Cookware, cutlery and flatware
43.060.30 - Cooling systems. Lubricating systems
77.120.30 - Copper and copper alloys
77.150.30 - Copper products
79.100 - Cork and cork products
77.060 - Corrosion of metals
71.100.70 - Cosmetics. Toiletries
43.040.70 - Couplings
21.120.20 - Couplings
53.020.20 - Cranes
75.040 - Crude petroleum
23.020.40 - Cryogenic vessels
25.100 - Cutting tools
25.100.01 - Cutting tools in general
43.150 - Cycles
23.100.20 - Cylinders
33.040.40 - Data communication networks
35.100.20 - Data link layer
35.220 - Data storage devices
35.220.01 - Data storage devices in general
47.020.50 - Deck equipment and installations
11.060.20 - Dental equipment
11.060.15 - Dental implants
11.060.25 - Dental instruments
11.060.10 - Dental materials
11.060 - Dentistry
11.060.01 - Dentistry in general
11.040.55 - Diagnostic equipment
43.180 - Diagnostic, maintenance and test equipment
31.080.10 - Diodes
97.040.40 - Dishwashers
11.080.20 - Disinfectants and antiseptics
55.230 - Distribution and vending machines
25.060.20 - Dividing and tool-workpiece holding devices
37.080 - Document imaging applications
01.140.30 - Documents in administration, commerce and industry
01.040.97 - Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sports(Vocabularies)
97.100 - Domestic commercial and industrial heating appliances
97.030 - Domestic electrical appliances in general
97.040.30 - Domestic refrigerating appliances
13.120 - Domestic safety
91.060.50 - Doors and windows
91.140.80 - Drainage systems
01.100.40 - Drawing equipment
25.080.40 - Drilling machines
25.100.30 - Drills, countersinks, reamers
13.060.20 - Drinking water
59.120.50 - Dying and finishing equipment
53.100 - Earth-moving machinery
93.020 - Earthworks. Excavations. Foundation construction. Underground works
13.020.50 - Ecolabelling
67.200 - Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds
03.180 - Education
31.160 - Electric filters
25.180.10 - Electric furnaces
97.100.10 - Electric heaters
43.120 - Electric road vehicles
25.140.20 - Electric tools
29.280 - Electric traction equipment
29.120 - Electrical accessories
29.120.01 - Electrical accessories in general
29.100.20 - Electrical and electromechanical components
43.040.10 - Electrical and electronic equipment
19.080 - Electrical and electronic testing
01.100.25 - Electrical and electronics engineering drawings
29.260.20 - Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres
01.040.29 - Electrical engineering (Vocabularies)
29.020 - Electrical engineering in general
29.260 - Electrical equipment for working in special conditions
29.260.01 - Electrical equipment for working in special conditions in general
47.020.60 - Electrical equipment of ships and of marine structures
43.060.50 - Electrical equipment. Control systems
29.260.10 - Electrical installations for outdoor use
29.080.01 - Electrical insulation in general
29.060 - Electrical wires and cables
29.060.01 - Electrical wires and cables in general
91.140.50 - Electricity supply systems
17.220 - Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements
17.220.01 - Electricity. Magnetism. General aspects
17.140.50 - Electroacoustics
25.120.40 - Electrochemical machines
33.100 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
33.100.01 - Electromagnetic compatibility in general
31.220 - Electromechanical components for electronic and telecommunications equipment
31.220.01 - Electromechanical components in general
31.190 - Electronic components assemblies
31.020 - Electronic components in general
31.120 - Electronic display devices
31.100 - Electronic tubes
01.040.31 - Electronics (Vocabularies)
91.060 - Elements of buildings
91.060.01 - Elements of buildings in general
33.100.10 - Emission
25.220.50 - Enamels
01.040.27 - Energy and heat transfer engineering (Vocabularies)
27.010 - Energy and heat transfer engineering in general
43.060.10 - Engine block and internal components
13.020.01 - Environment and environmental protection in general
01.040.13 - Environment and health protection. Safety (Vocabularies)
13.020.20 - Environmental economics
13.020.30 - Environmental impact assessment
13.020.10 - Environmental management
13.020.70 - Environmental projects
13.020 - Environmental protection
19.040 - Environmental testing
33.050.30 - Equipement for telex, teletext, telefax
97.190 - Equipment for children
73.100.30 - Equipment for drilling and mine excavation
97.200 - Equipment for entertainment
97.200.01 - Equipment for entertainment in general
53.120 - Equipment for manual handling
75.180 - Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries
75.180.01 - Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries in general
73.120 - Equipment for processing of minerals
45.120 - Equipment for railway/cableway construction and maintenance
65.060.25 - Equipment for storage, preparation and distribution of fertilizers
71.120 - Equipment for the chemical industry
71.120.01 - Equipment for the chemical industry in general
81.100 - Equipment for the glass and ceramics industries
77.180 - Equipment for the metallurgical industry
85.100 - Equipment for the paper industry
83.200 - Equipment for the rubber and plastics industries
13.180 - Ergonomics
71.100.60 - Essential oils
71.080.70 - Esters
13.060.70 - Examination of biological properties of water
13.060.60 - Examination of physical properties of water
13.080.05 - Examination of soils in general
13.060.50 - Examination of water for chemical substances
13.060.45 - Examination of water in general
75.180.10 - Exploratory and extraction equipment
13.230 - Explosion protection
71.100.30 - Explosives. Pyrotechnics
91.160.20 - Exterior building lighting
93.030 - External sewage systems
91.090 - External structures
93.025 - External water conveyance systems
75.020 - Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas
65.040.01 - Farm buildings and installations in general
65.040 - Farm buildings, structures and installations
65.020 - Farming and forestry
65.020.01 - Farming and forestry in general
21.060 - Fasteners
49.030 - Fasteners for aerospace construction
49.030.01 - Fasteners in general
21.060.01 - Fasteners in general
77.100 - Ferroalloys
49.025.05 - Ferrous alloys in general
77.080 - Ferrous metals
77.080.01 - Ferrous metals in general
65.080 - Fertilizers
79.060.20 - Fibre and particle boards
33.180 - Fibre optic communications
33.180.20 - Fibre optic interconnecting devices
33.180.01 - Fibre optic systems in general
33.180.10 - Fibres and cables
25.100.60 - Files
83.140.10 - Films and sheets
23.100.60 - Filters, seals and contamination of fluids
03.060 - Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance
13.220.20 - Fire protection
13.220.10 - Fire-fighting
13.220.50 - Fire-resistance of building materials and elements
11.160 - First aid
67.120.30 - Fish and fishery products
65.150 - Fishing and fish breeding
27.120.30 - Fissile materials
31.060.10 - Fixed capacitors
31.040.10 - Fixed resistors
23.040.60 - Flanges, couplings and joints
77.140.50 - Flat steel products and semi-products
21.220 - Flexible drives and transmissions
21.220.01 - Flexible drives and transmissions in general
97.080 - Floor treatment appliances
17.120.10 - Flow in closed conduits
17.120.20 - Flow in open channels
23.100 - Fluid power systems
23.100.01 - Fluid power systems in general
23.020 - Fluid storage devices
23.020.01 - Fluid storage devices in general
01.040.23 - Fluid systems and components for general use (Vocabularies)
29.140.30 - Fluorescent lamps. Discharge lamps
67.220.20 - Food additives
07.100.30 - Food microbiology
67.040 - Food products in general
01.040.67 - Food technology (Vocabularies)
61.060 - Footwear
65.060.80 - Forestry equipment
25.120.10 - Forging equipment. Presses. Shears
55.180 - Freight distribution of goods
55.180.01 - Freight distribution of goods in general
67.080.10 - Fruits and derived products
67.080.01 - Fruits, vegetables and derived products in general
67.080 - Fruits. Vegetables
27.070 - Fuel cells
25.180.20 - Fuel furnaces
43.060.40 - Fuel systems
75.160 - Fuels
75.160.01 - Fuels in general
65.100.30 - Fungicides
97.140 - Furniture
29.120.50 - Fuses and other overcurrent protection devices
29.220.01 - Galvanic cell and batteries in general
29.220 - Galvanic cells and batteries
27.040 - Gas and steam turbines. Steam engines
27.060.20 - Gas fuel burners
97.100.20 - Gas heaters
91.140.40 - Gas supply systems
75.160.30 - Gaseous fuels
71.100.20 - Gases for industrial application
23.060.30 - Gate valves
21.200 - Gears
67.050 - General methods of tests and analysis for food products
55.180.10 - General purpose containers
55.180.20 - General purpose pallets
47.020.01 - General standards related to shipbuilding and marine structures
01.040.01 - Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation (Vocabularies)
29.160.40 - Generating sets
29.160.20 - Generators
07.060 - Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology
59.080.70 - Geotextiles
81.040 - Glass
01.040.81 - Glass and ceramics industries (Vocabularies)
81.040.20 - Glass in building
81.040.01 - Glass in general
81.040.30 - Glass products
43.040.65 - Glazing and wiper systems
23.060.10 - Globe valves
37.100 - Graphic technology
37.100.01 - Graphic technology in general
01.080 - Graphical symbols
01.080.40 - Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronics engineering drawings, diagrams, charts...
01.080.50 - Graphical symbols for use on information technology and telecommunications technical drawings...
01.080.30 - Graphical symbols for use on mechanical engineering and construction drawings, diagrams, plans, maps...
01.080.20 - Graphical symbols for use on specific equipment
01.080.01 - Graphical symbols in general
65.040.30 - Greenhouses and other installations
25.080.50 - Grinding and polishing machines
49.100 - Ground service and maintenance equipment
71.080.20 - Halogenated hydrocarbons
25.140 - Hand-held tools
25.140.01 - Hand-held tools in general
25.140.30 - Hand-operated tools
65.060.50 - Harvesting equipment
73.100.40 - Haulage and hoisting equipment
13.340.20 - Head protective equipment
61.040 - Headgear. Clothing accessories. Fastening of clothing
01.040.11 - Health care technology (Vocabularies)
71.120.30 - Heat exchangers
27.080 - Heat pumps
27.220 - Heat recovery. Thermal insulation
25.200 - Heat treatment
77.140.10 - Heat-treatable steels
17.200.10 - Heat. Calorimetry
97.100.99 - Heaters using other sources of energy
97.100.01 - Heating appliances in general
65.100.20 - Herbicides
29.130.10 - High voltage switchgear and controlgear
21.080 - Hinges, eyelets and other articulated joints
97.020 - Home economics in general
97.160 - Home textiles. Linen
39.040 - Horology
39.040.01 - Horology in general
65.060.70 - Horticultural equipment
83.140.40 - Hoses
23.040.70 - Hoses and hose assemblies
11.140 - Hospital equipment
21.180 - Housings, enclosures, other machine parts
47.020.10 - Hulls and their structure elements
65.145 - Hunting
93.160 - Hydraulic construction
27.140 - Hydraulic energy engineering
75.120 - Hydraulic fluids
13.080.40 - Hydrological properties of soils
35.180 - IT Terminal and other peripheral equipment
35.240.40 - IT applications in banking
35.240.80 - IT applications in health care technology
35.240.50 - IT applications in industry
35.240.30 - IT applications in information, documentation and publishing
35.240.20 - IT applications in office work
35.240.99 - IT applications in other fields
35.240.70 - IT applications in science
35.240.60 - IT applications in transport and trade
67.100.40 - Ice cream and ice confectionery
35.240.15 - Identification cards and related devices
13.220.40 - Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials and products
01.040.37 - Image technology (Vocabularies)
33.100.20 - Immunity
11.040.40 - Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics
29.140.20 - Incandescent lamps
21.040.20 - Inch screw threads
43.040.30 - Indicating and control devices
97.220.30 - Indoor sports equipment
25.040 - Industrial automation systems
25.040.01 - Industrial automation systems in general
25.180 - Industrial furnaces
25.180.01 - Industrial furnaces in general
25.040.40 - Industrial process measurement and control
25.040.30 - Industrial robots. Manipulators
03.080.10 - Industrial services
53.060 - Industrial trucks
01.140.20 - Information sciences
01.140 - Information sciences. Publishing
35.020 - Information technology (IT) in general
01.040.35 - Information technology. Office machines (Vocabularies)
87.080 - Inks. Printing inks
47.060 - Inland navigation vessels
71.060 - Inorganic chemicals
71.060.01 - Inorganic chemicals in general
65.100.10 - Insecticides
13.030.40 - Installations and equipment for waste disposal and treatment
91.140 - Installations in buildings
91.140.01 - Installations in buildings in general
29.040 - Insulating fluids
29.040.01 - Insulating fluids in general
29.040.20 - Insulating gases
29.035 - Insulating materials
29.035.01 - Insulating materials in general
29.040.10 - Insulating oils
29.080 - Insulation
29.080.30 - Insulation systems
29.080.10 - Insulators
33.080 - Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
31.200 - Integrated circuits. Microelectronics
35.200 - Interface and interconnection equipment
91.180 - Interior finishing
91.160.10 - Interior lighting
27.020 - Internal combustion engines
43.060 - Internal combustion engines for road vehicles
43.060.01 - Internal combustion engines for road vehicles in general
77.140.80 - Iron and steel castings
77.140.85 - Iron and steel forgings
23.040.10 - Iron and steel pipes
77.140 - Iron and steel products
77.140.01 - Iron and steel products in general
73.060.10 - Iron ores
77.080.10 - Irons
65.060.35 - Irrigation and drainage equipment
97.195 - Items of art and handicrafts
39.060 - Jewellery
21.120.30 - Keys and keyways, splines
97.040 - Kitchen equipment
97.040.01 - Kitchen equipment in general
97.040.10 - Kitchen furniture
59.120.40 - Knitting machines
11.100 - Laboratory medicine
71.040.20 - Laboratory ware and related apparatus
03.040 - Labour. Employment
97.145 - Ladders
83.140.20 - Laminated sheets
29.140.10 - Lamp caps and holders
29.140 - Lamps and related equipment
29.140.01 - Lamps in general
65.020.40 - Landscaping and silviculture
35.060 - Languages used in information technology
83.040.10 - Latex and raw rubber
25.080.10 - Lathes
97.060 - Laundry appliances
03.160 - Law. Administration
77.120.60 - Lead, zinc, tin and their alloys
77.150.60 - Lead, zink and tin products
59.140.30 - Leather and furs
59.140.35 - Leather products
59.140 - Leather technology
59.140.01 - Leather technology in general
91.010.10 - Legal aspects
03.200 - Leisure. Tourism
47.020.40 - Lifting and cargo handling equipment
53.020.01 - Lifting appliances in general
53.020 - Lifting equipment
91.140.90 - Lifts. Escalators
91.160 - Lighting
91.160.01 - Lighting in general
29.140.50 - Lighting installation systems
43.040.20 - Lighting, signalling and warning devices
91.120.40 - Lightning protection
17.040.10 - Limits and fits
17.040 - Linear and angular measurements
17.040.01 - Linear and angular measurements in general
33.040.50 - Lines, connections and circuits
27.060.10 - Liquid and solid fuel burners
97.100.40 - Liquid fuel heaters
13.030.20 - Liquid wastes. Sludge
75.160.20 - Liquids fuels
65.040.10 - Livestock buildings, installations and equipment
59.120.30 - Looms. Weaving machines
29.130.20 - Low voltage switchgear and controlgear
75.100 - Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
21.260 - Lubrication systems
29.140.40 - Luminaires
25.060 - Machine tool systems
25.060.01 - Machine tool systems in general
25.080 - Machine tools
25.080.01 - Machine tools in general
59.140.40 - Machines and equipment for leather and fur production
25.040.10 - Machining centres
77.120.20 - Magnesium and magnesium alloys
77.150.20 - Magnesium products
29.100.10 - Magnetic components
35.220.21 - Magnetic disks
29.030 - Magnetic materials
35.220.20 - Magnetic storage devices in general
35.220.22 - Magnetic tapes
59.060.20 - Man-made fibres
03.100.30 - Management of human resources
73.060.20 - Manganese ores
01.040.25 - Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies)
25.020 - Manufacturing forming processes
83.020 - Manufacturing processes in the rubber and plastics industries
47.020.20 - Marine engines and propulsion systems
47.020.90 - Marine ventilation, air-conditioning and heating systems
91.080.30 - Masonry
67.250 - Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs
45.040 - Materials and components for railway engineering
47.020.05 - Materials and components for shipbuilding
49.025 - Materials for aerospace construction
49.025.01 - Materials for aerospace construction in general
71.100.10 - Materials for aluminium production
37.100.20 - Materials for graphic technology
59.100 - Materials for the reinforcement of composites
59.100.01 - Materials for the reinforcement of composites in general
01.040.53 - Materials handling equipment (Vocabularies)
07.020 - Mathematics
01.040.07 - Mathematics. Natural sciences (Vocabularies)
17.220.20 - Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities
17.120 - Measurement of fluid flow
17.120.01 - Measurement of fluid flow in general
17.100 - Measurement of force, weight and pressure
17.080 - Measurement of time, velocity, acceleration, angular velocity
17.060 - Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity
17.040.30 - Measuring instruments
67.120.10 - Meat and meat products
67.120 - Meat, meat products and other animal produce
01.100.20 - Mechanical engineering drawings
31.240 - Mechanical structures for electronic equipment
01.040.21 - Mechanical systems and components for general use (Vocabularies)
19.060 - Mechanical testing
77.040.10 - Mechanical testing of metals
11.040 - Medical equipment
11.040.01 - Medical equipment in general
11.120.20 - Medical materials
07.100.10 - Medical microbiology
11.020 - Medical sciences and health care facilities in general
11.120.10 - Medicaments
23.040.40 - Metal fittings
91.080.10 - Metal structures
25.220.40 - Metallic coatings
73.060 - Metalliferous minerals
73.060.01 - Metalliferous minerals in general
01.040.77 - Metallurgy (Vocabularies)
21.040.10 - Metric screw threads
17.020 - Metrology and measurement in general
01.040.17 - Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies)
29.035.50 - Mica based materials
07.100 - Microbiology
07.100.01 - Microbiology in general
07.100.20 - Microbiology of water
35.160 - Microprocessor systems
01.040.95 - Military engineering (Vocabularies)
95.020 - Military engineering. Military affairs. Weapons
67.100 - Milk and milk products
67.100.01 - Milk and milk products in general
67.100.10 - Milk and processed milk products
25.100.20 - Milling tools
59.060.30 - Mineral and metal fibres
91.100.15 - Mineral materials and products
01.040.73 - Mining and minerals (Vocabularies)
73.020 - Mining and quarrying
73.100 - Mining equipment
73.100.01 - Mining equipment in general
97.180 - Miscellaneous domestic and commercial equipment
33.060.65 - Mobile services, paging systems
33.060.70 - Mobile services. Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT)
33.060.80 - Mobile services. Global System for Mobile Communication(GSM)
33.060.75 - Mobile services. Satellite
33.060.60 - Mobile services. Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA)
25.060.10 - Modular units and other devices
37.060.10 - Motion picture equipment
37.060.20 - Motion picture films. Cartridges
43.140 - Motor cycles and mopeds
29.160.30 - Motors
25.120.30 - Moulding equipment
35.100.05 - Multilayer applications
33.160.60 - Multimedia systems and teleconferencing equipment
97.200.20 - Musical instruments
59.060.10 - Natural fibres
75.060 - Natural gas
47.020.70 - Navigation and control equipment
35.100.30 - Network layer
35.110 - Networking
77.150.40 - Nickel and chromium products
77.120.40 - Nickel, chromium and their alloys
17.140.20 - Noise emitted by machines and equipment
17.140.30 - Noise emitted by means of transport
13.140 - Noise with respect to human beings
67.160.20 - Non-alcoholic beverages
77.140.45 - Non-alloyed steels
19.100 - Non-destructive testing
77.040.20 - Non-destructive testing of metals
49.025.15 - Non-ferrous alloys in general
23.040.15 - Non-ferrous metal pipes
77.120 - Non-ferrous metals
77.120.01 - Non-ferrous metals in general
73.080 - Non-metalliferous minerals
97.150 - Non-textile floor coverings
27.120 - Nuclear energy engineering
27.120.01 - Nuclear energy in general
27.120.20 - Nuclear power plants. Safety
25.040.20 - Numerically controlled machines
21.060.20 - Nuts
49.030.30 - Nuts
13.100 - Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene
35.260 - Office machines
67.200.20 - Oilseeds
49.090 - On-board equipment and instruments
35.100 - Open systems interconnection (OSI)
35.100.01 - Open systems interconnection in general
11.040.70 - Ophthalmic equipment
33.180.30 - Optic amplifiers
37.020 - Optical equipment
17.180.30 - Optical measuring instruments
35.220.30 - Optical storage devices
17.180 - Optics and optical measurements
17.180.01 - Optics and optical measurements in general
31.260 - Optoelectronics. Laser equipment
71.080.40 - Organic acids
71.080 - Organic chemicals
71.080.01 - Organic chemicals in general
25.220.60 - Organic coatings
71.080.30 - Organic nitrogen compounds
65.060.99 - Other agricultural machines and equipment
67.120.99 - Other animal produce
91.010.99 - Other aspects
33.100.99 - Other aspects related to EMC
33.160.99 - Other audio, video and audiovisual equipment
91.040.99 - Other buildings
31.060.99 - Other capacitors
29.220.99 - Other cells and batteries
25.120.99 - Other chipless working equipment
43.080.99 - Other commercial vehicles
33.120.99 - Other components and accessories
43.060.99 - Other components and systems of internal combustion engines
29.100.99 - Other components for electrical equipment
91.100.99 - Other construction materials
53.040.99 - Other continuous handling equipment
25.100.99 - Other cutting tools
35.220.99 - Other data storage devices
29.120.99 - Other electrical accessories
29.260.99 - Other electrical equipment for working in special conditions
31.220.99 - Other electromechanical components
91.060.99 - Other elements of buildings
97.200.99 - Other equipment for entertainment
75.180.99 - Other equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries
33.060.99 - Other equipment for radiocommunications
33.040.99 - Other equipment for telecommunication systems
71.120.99 - Other equipment for the chemical industry
29.240.99 - Other equipment related to power transmission and distribution networks
21.060.99 - Other fasteners
49.030.99 - Other fasteners
33.180.99 - Other fibre optic equipment
21.220.99 - Other flexible drives and transmissions
23.100.99 - Other fluid power system components
23.020.99 - Other fluid storage devices
03.220.99 - Other forms of transport
01.080.99 - Other graphical symbols
25.140.99 - Other hand-held tools
25.040.99 - Other industrial automation systems
71.060.99 - Other inorganic chemicals
91.140.99 - Other installations in buildings
29.040.99 - Other insulating fluids
29.035.99 - Other insulating materials
77.140.99 - Other iron and steel products
97.040.99 - Other kitchen equipment
53.020.99 - Other lifting equipment
25.060.99 - Other machine tool systems
25.080.99 - Other machine tools
49.025.99 - Other materials
59.100.99 - Other materials for the reinforcement of composites
11.040.99 - Other medical equipment
73.060.99 - Other metalliferous minerals
77.040.99 - Other methods of testing of metals
67.100.99 - Other milk products
73.100.99 - Other mining equipment
77.120.99 - Other non-ferrous metals and their alloys
71.080.99 - Other organic chemicals
87.060.99 - Other paint ingredients
65.100.99 - Other pesticides and agrochemicals
23.040.99 - Other pipeline components
77.150.99 - Other products of non-ferrous metals
71.100.99 - Other products of the chemical industry
59.080.99 - Other products of the textile industry
13.340.99 - Other protective equipment
31.040.99 - Other resistors
43.040.99 - Other road vehicle systems
83.140.99 - Other rubber and plastics products
31.080.99 - Other semiconductor devices
03.080.99 - Other services
97.130.99 - Other shop fittings
97.220.99 - Other sports equipment and facilities
17.140.99 - Other standards related to acoustics
11.180.99 - Other standards related to aids for disabled and handicapped people
13.040.99 - Other standards related to air quality
71.040.99 - Other standards related to analytical chemistry
81.060.99 - Other standards related to ceramics
37.060.99 - Other standards related to cinematography
03.100.99 - Other standards related to company organization and management
17.220.99 - Other standards related to electricity and magnetism
13.020.99 - Other standards related to environmental protection
65.040.99 - Other standards related to farm buildings and installations
65.020.99 - Other standards related to farming and forestry
55.180.99 - Other standards related to freight distribution of goods
37.100.99 - Other standards related to graphic technology
29.080.99 - Other standards related to insulation
29.140.99 - Other standards related to lamps
59.140.99 - Other standards related to leather technology
17.040.99 - Other standards related to linear and angular measurements
07.100.99 - Other standards related to microbiology
27.120.99 - Other standards related to nuclear energy
17.180.99 - Other standards related to optics and optical measurements
11.120.99 - Other standards related to pharmaceutics
37.040.99 - Other standards related to photography
13.220.99 - Other standards related to protection against fire
91.120.99 - Other standards related to protection of and in buildings
03.120.99 - Other standards related to quality
93.080.99 - Other standards related to road engineering
29.160.99 - Other standards related to rotating machinery
21.120.99 - Other standards related to shafts and couplings
47.020.99 - Other standards related to shipbuilding and marine structures
13.080.99 - Other standards related to soil quality
11.080.99 - Other standards related to sterilization and disinfection
01.100.99 - Other standards related to technical drawings
17.200.99 - Other standards related to thermodynamics
13.030.99 - Other standards related to wastes
13.060.99 - Other standards related to water quality
91.080.99 - Other structures
29.130.99 - Other switchgear and controlgear
33.050.99 - Other telecommunication terminal equipment
59.060.99 - Other textile fibres
59.120.99 - Other textile machinery
39.040.99 - Other time-measuring instruments
25.220.99 - Other treatments and coatings
83.160.99 - Other tyres
23.060.99 - Other valves
79.060.99 - Other wood-based panels
79.120.99 - Other woodworking equipment
99 - Others
97.220.40 - Outdoor and water sports equipment
71.060.20 - Oxides
01.040.55 - Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies)
55.020 - Packaging and distribution of goods in general
55.200 - Packaging machinery
55.040 - Packaging materials and accessories
33.050.20 - Paging equipment
01.040.87 - Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies)
87.100 - Paint coating equipment
87.020 - Paint coating processes
87.060 - Paint ingredients
87.060.01 - Paint ingredients in general
87.040 - Paints and varnishes
85.060 - Paper and board
29.035.10 - Paper and board insulating materials
31.060.30 - Paper and plastics capacitors
35.220.10 - Paper cards and tapes
85.020 - Paper production processes
85.080 - Paper products
01.040.85 - Paper technology (Vocabularies)
19.120 - Particle size analysis. Sieving
49.095 - Passenger and cabin equipment
43.100 - Passenger cars. Caravans and light trailers
03.140 - Patents. Intellectual property
65.100 - Pesticides and other agrochemicals
65.100.01 - Pesticides and other agrochemicals in general
01.040.75 - Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies)
75.200 - Petroleum products and natural gas handling equipment
75.080 - Petroleum products in general
11.120 - Pharmaceutics
11.120.01 - Pharmaceutics in general
71.080.90 - Phenols
37.040.30 - Photographic chemicals
37.040.10 - Photographic equipment. Projectors
37.040.20 - Photographic paper, films and cartridges
37.040 - Photography
37.040.01 - Photography in general
35.100.10 - Physical layer
91.020 - Physical planning. Town planning
13.080.20 - Physical properties of soils
71.040.50 - Physicochemical methods of analysis
07.030 - Physics. Chemistry
31.140 - Piezoelectric and dielectric devices
87.060.10 - Pigments and extenders
49.030.40 - Pins, nails
21.060.50 - Pins, nails
23.040 - Pipeline components and pipelines
23.040.01 - Pipeline components and pipelines in general
23.040.50 - Pipes and fittings of other materials
23.100.40 - Piping and couplings
47.020.30 - Piping systems
21.100.10 - Plain bearings
25.080.25 - Planing machines
65.060.40 - Plant care equipment
65.020.20 - Plant growing
67.260 - Plants and equipment for the food industry
83.080 - Plastics
29.035.20 - Plastics and rubber insulating materials
23.040.45 - Plastics fittings
83.080.01 - Plastics in general
23.040.20 - Plastics pipes
83.140.30 - Plastics pipes, fittings and valves
97.200.40 - Playgrounds
31.220.10 - Plug-and-socket devices. Connectors
29.120.30 - Plugs, socket-outlets, couplers
79.060.10 - Plywood
25.140.10 - Pneumatic tools
53.040.30 - Pneumatic transport and its components
13.020.40 - Pollution, pollution control and conservation
03.240 - Postal services
31.040.20 - Potentiometer, variable resistors
67.120.20 - Poultry and eggs
77.160 - Powder metallurgy
31.060.70 - Power capacitors
27.100 - Power stations in general
29.240.20 - Power transmission and distribution lines
29.240 - Power transmission and distribution networks
29.240.01 - Power transmission and distribution networks in general
39.020 - Precision mechanics
01.040.39 - Precision mechanics. Jewellery (Vocabularies)
67.230 - Prepackaged and prepared foods
35.100.60 - Presentation layer
43.060.20 - Pressure charging and air/exhaust gas ducting systems
23.060.40 - Pressure regulators
23.020.30 - Pressure vessels, gas cylinders
29.220.10 - Primary cells and batteries
31.180 - Printed circuits and boards
59.140.10 - Processes and auxiliary materials
67.020 - Processes in the food industry
81.020 - Processes in the glass and ceramics industries
59.020 - Processes of the textile industry
75.180.20 - Processing equipment
03.120.20 - Product and company certification. Conformity assessment
13.020.60 - Product life-cycles
71.020 - Production in the chemical industry
77.020 - Production of metals
03.100.50 - Production. Production management
91.100.40 - Products in fibre-reinforced cement
77.150 - Products of non-ferrous metals
77.150.01 - Products of non-ferrous metals in general
71.100 - Products of the chemical industry
71.100.01 - Products of the chemical industry in general
59.080 - Products of the textile industry
17.040.20 - Properties of surfaces
13.310 - Protection against crime
13.300 - Protection against dangerous goods
13.260 - Protection against electric shock
13.240 - Protection against excessive pressure
13.220 - Protection against fire
13.220.01 - Protection against fire in general
91.120 - Protection of and in buildings
91.120.01 - Protection of and in buildings in general
13.340.10 - Protective clothing
13.340 - Protective equipment
13.340.01 - Protective equipment in general
13.340.50 - Protective footwear
13.340.40 - Protective gloves
91.040.10 - Public buildings
01.080.10 - Public information symbols
01.140.40 - Publishing
85.040 - Pulps
23.080 - Pumps
23.100.10 - Pumps and motors
03.100.10 - Purchasing. Procurement. Management of stock
03.120 - Quality
03.120.01 - Quality in general
03.120.10 - Quality management and quality assurance
01.060 - Quantities and units
33.120.30 - R.F. connectors
17.240 - Radiation measurements
13.280 - Radiation protection
33.160.20 - Radio receivers
33.060.30 - Radio relay and fixed satellite communications systems
33.060 - Radiocommunications
33.060.01 - Radiocommunications in general
11.040.50 - Radiographic equipment
37.040.25 - Radiographic films
45.080 - Rails and railway components
01.040.45 - Railway engineering (Vocabularies)
45.020 - Railway engineering in general
45.060 - Railway rolling stock
45.060.01 - Railway rolling stock in general
81.060.10 - Raw materials
81.040.10 - Raw materials and raw glass
83.040 - Raw materials for rubber and plastics
83.040.01 - Raw materials for rubber and plastics in general
59.140.20 - Raw skins, hides and pelts
71.120.10 - Reaction vessels and their components
27.120.10 - Reactor engineering
33.060.20 - Receiving and transmitting equipment
29.200 - Rectifiers. Convertors. Stabilized power supply
13.030.50 - Recycling
81.080 - Refractories
71.100.45 - Refrigerants and antifreezes
27.200 - Refrigerating technology
83.120 - Reinforced plastics
29.120.70 - Relays
37.100.10 - Reproduction equipment
03.100.40 - Research and development
91.040.30 - Residential buildings
31.040 - Resistors
31.040.01 - Resistors in general
13.340.30 - Respiratory protective devices
21.060.60 - Rings, bushes, sleeves, collars
21.060.40 - Rivets
49.030.60 - Rivets
93.080.10 - Road construction
93.080.20 - Road construction materials
93.080 - Road engineering
93.080.01 - Road engineering in general
93.080.30 - Road equipment and installations
03.220.20 - Road transport
01.040.43 - Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies)
43.040 - Road vehicle systems
43.040.01 - Road vehicle systems in general
83.160.10 - Road vehicle tyres
43.020 - Road vehicles in general
21.100.20 - Rolling bearings
25.120.20 - Rolling, extruding and drawing equipment
91.060.20 - Roofs
59.080.50 - Ropes
21.240 - Rotary-reciprocating mechanisms and their parts
29.160 - Rotating machinery
29.160.01 - Rotating machinery in general
83.060 - Rubber
49.025.40 - Rubber and plastics
01.040.83 - Rubber and plastics industries (Vocabularies)
83.140 - Rubber and plastics products
83.140.01 - Rubber and plastics products in general
83.040.20 - Rubber compounding ingredients
55.080 - Sacks. Bags
43.040.80 - Safety installations and restraint systems
13.110 - Safety of machinery
71.060.50 - Salts
91.140.70 - Sanitary installations
33.070.40 - Satellite
25.080.60 - Sawing machines
25.100.40 - Saws
49.030.10 - Screw threads
21.040 - Screw threads
21.040.01 - Screw threads in general
47.040 - Seagoing vessels
83.140.50 - Seals
23.040.80 - Seals for pipe and hose assemblies
21.140 - Seals, glands
91.120.25 - Seismic and vibration protection
79.080 - Semi-manufactures of timber
29.045 - Semiconducting materials
31.080 - Semiconductor devices
31.080.01 - Semiconductor devices in general
67.240 - Sensory analysis
03.080 - Services
03.080.20 - Services for companies
03.080.30 - Services for consumers
03.080.01 - Services in general
35.100.50 - Session layer
13.060.30 - Sewage water
61.080 - Sewing machines and other equipment for the clothing industry
21.120.10 - Shafts
21.120 - Shafts and couplings
21.120.01 - Shafts and couplings in general
97.130.10 - Shelving
01.040.47 - Shipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies)
47.020 - Shipbuilding and marine structures in general
97.130 - Shop fittings
97.130.01 - Shop fittings in general
71.100.55 - Silicones
47.080 - Small craft
97.040.50 - Small kitchen appliances
03.020 - Sociology. Demography
01.040.03 - Sociology. Services. Company organization and management. Administration. Transport (Vocabularies)
35.080 - Software development and system documentation
13.080.01 - Soil quality and pedology in general
13.080 - Soil quality. Pedology
65.060.20 - Soil-working equipment
27.160 - Solar energy engineering
97.100.30 - Solid fuel heaters
75.160.10 - Solid fuels
13.030.10 - Solid wastes
87.060.30 - Solvents
65.060.30 - Sowing and planting equipment
49.140 - Space systems and operations
33.140 - Special measuring equipment for use in telecommunications
43.160 - Special purpose vehicles
21.040.30 - Special screw threads
13.030.30 - Special wastes
67.220.10 - Spices and condiments
67.220 - Spices and condiments. Food additives
59.120.10 - Spinning, twisting and texturing machines
55.060 - Spools. Bobbins
97.220 - Sports equipment and facilities
97.220.01 - Sports equipment and facilities in general
97.220.10 - Sports facilities
77.140.25 - Spring steels
21.160 - Springs
77.140.20 - Stainless steels
01.120 - Standardization. General rules
67.180.20 - Starch and derived products
23.020.10 - Stationary containers and tanks
13.040.40 - Stationary source emissions
77.140.60 - Steel bars and rods
77.140.75 - Steel pipes and tubes for specific use
77.140.70 - Steel profiles
77.140.65 - Steel wire, wire ropes and link chains
49.025.10 - Steels
77.080.20 - Steels
77.140.30 - Steels for pressure purposes
77.140.15 - Steels for reinforcement of concrete
77.140.40 - Steels with special magnetic properties
11.080 - Sterilization and disinfection
11.080.01 - Sterilization and disinfection in general
11.080.30 - Sterilized packaging
11.080.10 - Sterilizing equipment
53.080 - Storage equipment
55.220 - Storing. Warehousing
93.080.40 - Street lighting and related equipment
49.045 - Structure and structure elements
91.080 - Structures of buildings
91.080.01 - Structures of buildings in general
29.240.10 - Substations. Surge arresters
67.180.10 - Sugar and sugar products
67.180 - Sugar. Sugar products. Starch
71.100.40 - Surface active agents
25.220.10 - Surface preparation
25.220.20 - Surface treatment
25.220 - Surface treatment and coating
25.220.01 - Surface treatment and coating in general
11.040.30 - Surgical instruments and materials
29.120.40 - Switches
31.220.20 - Switches
29.130 - Switchgear and controlgear
29.130.01 - Switchgear and controlgear in general
33.040.30 - Switching and signalling systems
31.060.40 - Tantalum electrolytic capacitors
25.100.50 - Taps and threading dies
67.140.10 - Tea
67.140 - Tea. Coffee. Cocoa
91.010.30 - Technical aspects
01.100 - Technical drawings
01.100.27 - Technical drawings for telecommunications and information technology fields
01.100.01 - Technical drawings in general
01.110 - Technical product documentation
33.030 - Telecommunication services. Applications
33.040 - Telecommunication systems
33.040.01 - Telecommunication systems in general
33.050 - Telecommunication terminal equipment
33.050.01 - Telecommunication terminal equipment in general
33.020 - Telecommunications in general
01.040.33 - Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering(Vocabularies)
33.200 - Telecontrol. Telemetering
33.050.10 - Telephone equipment
33.040.35 - Telephone networks
33.170 - Television and radio broadcasting
33.160.25 - Television receivers
17.200.20 - Temperature-measuring instruments
01.020 - Terminology (principles and coordination)
19.020 - Test conditions and procedures in general
01.040.19 - Testing (Vocabularies)
77.040 - Testing of metals
77.040.01 - Testing of metals in general
01.040.59 - Textile and leather technology (Vocabularies)
59.040 - Textile auxiliary materials
59.080.30 - Textile fabrics
59.060 - Textile fibres
59.060.01 - Textile fibres in general
59.080.60 - Textile floor coverings
59.100.10 - Textile glass materials
59.120 - Textile machinery
59.120.01 - Textile machinery in general
49.025.60 - Textiles
59.080.01 - Textiles in general
97.200.10 - Theatre, stage and studio equipment
11.040.60 - Therapy equipment
91.100.60 - Thermal and sound insulating materials
91.120.10 - Thermal insulation
31.040.30 - Thermistors
17.200 - Thermodynamics and temperature measurements
17.200.01 - Thermodynamics in general
83.080.20 - Thermoplastic materials
83.080.10 - Thermosetting materials
31.080.20 - Thyristors
91.080.20 - Timber structures
49.025.30 - Titanium
77.120.50 - Titanium and titanium alloys
77.150.50 - Titanium products
65.160 - Tobacco, tobacco products and related equipment
77.140.35 - Tool steels
25.100.25 - Tools for planing and broaching machines
97.200.50 - Toys
45.060.10 - Tractive stock
03.100.20 - Trade. Commercial function. Marketing
45.060.20 - Trailing stock
29.180 - Transformers. Reactors
11.040.20 - Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment
31.080.30 - Transistors
33.040.20 - Transmission systems
43.040.50 - Transmissions, suspensions
03.220 - Transport
03.220.30 - Transport by rail
03.220.40 - Transport by water
13.040.50 - Transport exhaust emissions
03.220.01 - Transport in general
35.100.40 - Transport layer
97.130.30 - Trolleys for supermarket use
43.080.10 - Trucks and trailers
93.060 - Tunnel construction
73.100.10 - Tunnelling and tubbing equipment
25.100.10 - Turning tools
83.160 - Tyres
83.160.30 - Tyres for agricultural machinery
83.160.01 - Tyres in general
23.160 - Vacuum technology
23.060 - Valves
23.060.01 - Valves in general
31.060.60 - Variable capacitors
29.035.60 - Varnished fabrics
67.080.20 - Vegetables and derived products
91.140.30 - Ventilation and air-conditioning
73.100.20 - Ventilation, air-conditioning and illumination equipment
23.120 - Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners
23.020.20 - Vessels and containers mounted on vehicles
11.220 - Veterinary medicine
13.160 - Vibration and shock with respect to human beings
17.160 - Vibrations, shock and vibration measurements
33.160.40 - Video systems
65.060.60 - Viticultural and wine-making equipment
01.040 - Vocabularies
75.180.30 - Volumetric equipment and measurements
91.060.10 - Walls. Partitions. Façades
49.030.50 - Washers and other locking elements
21.060.30 - Washers, locking elements
13.030 - Wastes
13.030.01 - Wastes in general
39.040.10 - Watches
13.060.25 - Water for industrial use
91.140.65 - Water heating equipment
13.060.10 - Water of natural resources
13.060 - Water quality
13.060.01 - Water quality in general
91.140.60 - Water supply systems
91.120.30 - Waterproofing
75.140 - Waxes, bituminous materials and other petroleum products
25.160.40 - Welded joints
25.160.20 - Welding consumables
25.160.30 - Welding equipment
25.160.10 - Welding processes
25.160 - Welding, brazing and soldering
25.160.01 - Welding, brazing and soldering in general
27.180 - Wind turbines systems and other alternative sources of energy
59.120.20 - Winding machines and equipment
97.220.20 - Winter sports equipment
29.060.10 - Wires
33.120.20 - Wires and symmetrical cables
01.040.79 - Wood technology (Vocabularies)
79.020 - Wood technology processes
79.040 - Wood, sawlogs and sawn timber
79.060 - Wood-based panels
79.060.01 - Wood-based panels in general
71.100.50 - Wood-protecting chemicals
79.120 - Woodworking equipment
79.120.01 - Woodworking equipment in general
79.120.10 - Woodworking machines
79.120.20 - Woodworking tools
13.040.30 - Workplace atmospheres
01.140.10 - Writing and transliteration
59.080.20 - Yarns
Suche nach Zielart.
Annahme neuer nationaler Gesetzesvorschriften und Technologien
Schutz des Lebens oder der Gesundheit von Tieren und Bewahrung der Pflanzenwelt
Verbraucherinformation, Kennzeichnung
Vorbeugung irreführender Praktiken und Verbraucherschutz
Schutz der Gesundheit oder der Sicherheit von Personen
Herabsetzung oder Beseitigung von Handelsschranken
Nationale Sicherheit
Nicht Angegeben
Kommentare, Reaktionen oder Antworten
Suche nach Kommentaren, Reaktionen oder Antworten eines Landes oder einer Organisation.
180 - Demokratische Republik Kongo
807 - Ehemalige jugoslawische Republik von Mazedonien
AFG - Afghanistan
AGO - Angola
ALB - Albanien
ARE - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
ARG - Argentinien
ARM - Armenien
ATG - Antigua und Barbuda
AUS - Australien
AUT - Österreich
AZE - Aserbaidschan
BDI - Burundi
BEL - Belgien
BEN - Benin
BFA - Burkina Faso
BGD - Bangladesch
BGR - Bulgarien
BHR - Bahrain
BHS - Bahamas
BIH - Bosnien-Herzegowina
BLR - Weißrußland
BLZ - Belize
BOL - Bolivien
BRA - Brasilien
BRB - Barbados
BRN - Brunei
BTN - Bhutan
BWA - Botswana
CAF - Zentralafrikanische Republik
CAM - Kambodscha
CAN - Kanada
CHE - Schweiz
CHL - Chile
CHN - China
CIV - Côte d'Ivoire
CMR - Kamerun
COG - Kongo
COL - Kolumbien
CPV - Kap Verde
CRI - Costa Rica
CUB - Kuba
CYP - Zypern
CZE - Tschechische Republik
DEU - Deutschland
DJI - Dschibuti
DMA - Dominica
DNK - Dänemark
DOM - Dominikanische Republik
DZA - Algerien
ECU - Ecuador
EEC - Europäische Union
EGY - Ägypten
ESP - Spanien
EST - Estland
ETH - Äthiopien
EU - Europäische Union
FIN - Finnland
FJI - Fidschi
FRA - Frankreich
FYM - Ehemalige Mazedonische Republik von Jugoslawien
GAB - Gabun
GBR - Vereinigtes Königreich
GEO - Georgien
GHA - Ghana
GIN - Guinea-Bissau
GMB - Gambia
GNB - Guinea
GRC - Griechenland
GRD - Grenada
GTM - Guatemala
GUY - Guyana
HKG - Hongkong
HND - Honduras
HRV - Kroatien
HTI - Haiti
HUN - Ungarn
IDN - Indonesien
IND - Indien
IRL - Irland
IRN - Iran
ISL - Island
ISR - Israel
ITA - Italien
JAM - Jamaika
JOR - Jordanien
JPN - Japan
KAZ - Kasachstan
KEN - Kenia
KGZ - Kirgisistan
KHM - Kambodscha
KNA - Saint Kitts und Nevis
KOR - Koreanische Republik
KWT - Kuwait
LAO - Laos
LBN - Libanon
LBR - Liberia
LCA - Saint Lucia
LIE - Liechtenstein
LKA - Sri Lanka
LSO - Lesotho
LTU - Litauen
LUX - Luxemburg
LVA - Lettland
MAC - Macao
MAR - Marokko
MDA - Moldawien
MDG - Madagaskar
MDV - Malediven
MEX - Mexiko
MKD - Ehemalige Mazedonische Republik von Jugoslawien
MLI - Mali
MLT - Malta
MMR - Myanmar
MNE - Montenegro
MNG - Mongolei
MOL - Moldawien
MOZ - Mosambik
MRT - Mauretanien
MUS - Mauritius
MWI - Malawi
MYS - Malaysia
NAM - Namibien
NER - Niger
NGA - Nigeria
NIC - Nicaragua
NLD - Niederlande
NOR - Norwegen
NPL - Nepal
NZL - Neuseeland
OMN - Oman
PAK - Pakistan
PAN - Panama
PER - Peru
PHL - Philippinen
PNG - Papua-Neuguinea
POL - Polen
PRT - Portugal
PRY - Paraguay
QAT - Qatar
ROU - Rumänien
RUS - Russische Föderation
RWA - Ruanda
SAM - Samoa
SAU - Saudi Arabien
SDN - Sudan
SEN - Senegal
SGP - Singapur
SLB - Salomonen
SLE - Sierra Leone
SLV - El Salvador
SUR - Surinam
SVK - Slowakei
SVN - Slowenien
SWE - Schweden
SWZ - Swasiland
SYC - Seychellen
TCD - Tschad
TGO - Togo
THA - Thailand
TJK - Tadschikistan
TON - Tonga
TPKM - Taiwan
TTO - Trinidad und Tobago
TUN - Tunesien
TUR - Türkei
TZA - Tansania
UGA - Uganda
UKR - Ukraine
URY - Uruguay
USA - Vereinigte Staaten
VCT - Saint Vincent und Grenadines
VEN - Venezuela
VNM - Vietnam
VUT - Vanuatu
WSM - Samoa
YEM - Jemen
ZAF - Südafrika
ZMB - Sambia
ZWE - Zimbabwe
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